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MY First time in HOSPITAL @ 67 years old

Nella Jenkins • May 29, 2024
MY First time in HOSPITAL  @ 67 years old

Nella's Lil Bit of Notes and updates

Beautiful lady listening intently to the Doctor

I've done pretty good with prayer & herbs for 67 years without having to personally go to the hospital. I never had to receive a shot, or take medications, etc.....BUT when I DID GO, I got the full experience! haha

I've learned you have NO dignity, no privacy, no modesty left, when you are discharged. NOW I know what folks are going through when they go to the hospital.

I've had several bundles of flowers, but I've failed to get all the pictures, and I'm needing to get this news out today.

I'm very proud to have been your mentor or upline consultant for over 40 years and I love y ou all. I don't know how much longer I will be able to work, but I'm not leaving you all hanging.....

Lady standing by a brick wall, close up

I'm making arrangements to have someone with wisdom & knowledge, to anser any questions you may have, as well as help you do research for yourself & your family or any customers you may have. This is a wonderfamily to be part of. Natures Sunshine Products multi level marketing.

Black pharmacy tech; wrong room; Lady laughing.

I have good / bad news, depending on how you view things.

I got really sick the first part of this year, in February, so my sisters came to the rescue & took me to see my new D.O. in Decatur

After a CT scan, they found blood clots in my lungs, legs, and groin. 

After much testing, they found cancer, and is *normally terminal * 

I've opted NOT to continue with any treatments, so they have sent me home with hospice.

In the hospital they drained 15 pounds of fluid off of my abodomen, and I felt like a new person! After not having an appetite and throwing up everything I tried to eat or drink; I was so hungry! 

The DALLAS METHODIST hospital installed a drain, Hospice helps me with at home.

During one of the days at the hospital; a pharmacy tech came in and then backed out, looking really confused, then stepped back in saying " YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL 'Pete' I HAVE EVER SEEN!"  I was so tickled. 

ladies chilling on couch in hospital waiting.....

My sisters and nieces came to the hospital; Tonya and Rhonda stayed a couple of nights. 

the oncologist/OBGYN said I had probably bought myself seven good years because of my diet change and herbal program, when I was diagnosed 7 years ago with Uterine cancer.

Matter of fact, because all of my vitals looking and being normal, it was hard for the ER to believe I was really sick. 

I may last another 2 years or few months. It's all in GOD'S hands.

I'm not anxious, nor depressed, not disappointed. I'm ok with what life has brought. I've been blessed.

I'm ready to go, or be healed, whatever God's will is for me.

lady leaning against a brick wall outside posing and grinning

Rhonda Jenkins Hendrix, CR, CH will take care of my herb business, if I can't and will serve you all like I have. 

She has wisdom & knowledge and has been my partner for 40 plus years. We attended most of the seminars together, until she got married and moved to Arkansas. 

You will love her. More about that later.


Looks like TONYA MCDONALD is our #1 Herb lady for the month of APRIL! way to go sis!

next in line is

Robin Billings

Corinna Billings/Nature's Blessings

Carol Lynn Walker (wow)

Rhonda, CH

Chris Burke

Judy & Michael Brooks (wow)

Desiree Gonzales

Paula Moses (welcome NEW customer)

Sheretta Casey (I'm so proud to see your  name!)

gardening tools; plants; watering can

The Health Benefits of Gardening

April Guideposts 




Want to lower stress? Plant a seed.

If you were told an activity could reliably provide “affective restoration from stress,” would you try it? Of course you would! And if you were told the recommended activity was gardening, you might even feel your levels of cortisol—the hormone that surges when your body has an inflammatory response to stress—going down just at the mere suggestion.

Each and every time I go into my garden, I have at least one moment of first-hand connection to the body of research that shows the health benefits of gardening—to cite just one, the study that mentioned “affective restoration from stress” found that just 30 minutes of outdoor gardening lowered cortisol levels more than the same amount of time spent reading. 

Planting seeds is one of the most stress-reducing garden activities, in my opinion. Here in New England, May is sowing season, when we gently press seeds into the ground with a hopeful eye on a summer filled with growing beauty and nourishment.

BIG THANKS to my WEB SITE customers ..........

Nancy Birchfield

Gayle Ware

Terry King

 Belinda Baker

Katelyn Blair

Lea Mcclelland


I'm very proud to certify a new HERBALIST THIS MONTH. I do not have a picture of MARIE DAVILA'S certificate, but I'm having trouble getting my phone & my PC to communicate with each other.

WAY TO GO ANYHOW!! Marie. Your grades were great & you worked hard.


gravestone of forgotten soldier plus american flag

Last but certainly not the least....

I hope your MEMORIAL DAY was unforgetable. MINE was. see the pictures below for highlights

A close up of a pile of straw.
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