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Lil Bit of Nella’s Nov/Dec 2024

Nella Jenkins • November 25, 2024
Lil Bit of Nella’s Nov/Dec 2024

Happy Memories of family gatherings...

large family gathering

WOW! The TOP Distributor for this month is: Tonya McDonald

 · Tonya McDonald (You go Sis)

· Robin Billings

· Corinna Billings

· Carol Wilson

· Rhonda Hendrix, CH, CR

· Brenda Upchurch

· Imogene Gregg

· Emma Viegas

· Michael/Judy Brooks, CR

· Robin Sollinger

· Rebekah Gonzales and

  Richard Walker

small dog in the lap of a Lady

Picture was taken by my niece Ranessa Hendrix. Her little Izzy likes my lap.  She’s so cute

I’m in middle of November which is my 7th month since being diagnosed with terminal cancer.  I feel surprisingly well most of the time. 

I’m in no pain unless I cough a lot then my abdomen becomes sore.  I sleep good.  I get to read and relax like I've never let myself do in the past.  I always pushed forward regardless of how I felt.  

But it’s all guilt free rest so I take several naps a day, I visit with whomever comes by, I visit with the Hospice nurses and aids, I eat what Metro Meals on Wheels deliver if I’m not nauseated and just feel a constant gratitude because I see so many people suffering from many illnesses and take a ton of medication. 

 I’m blessed to be a Faith Based person who also knows my body well and knows which herbs I need.    If I didn’t have proof that I have cancer I’d have a hard time believing it sometimes.  

I’m on no medication at all.  

The day may come soon where all of this changes but I feel comfort in knowing where I’m headed after I die and I’m assured that things will only be better than ever!

So lets live like we are dying and cherish every moment!

bottle of FOOD ENZYMES from NSP

Holidays are coming up and you need to order your “Pig-Out-Pills.”  Food Enzymes

Some people prefer the Proactazymes.  

and some take BOTH with their meal.

I’ve got to where I prefer these myself.  That way you can avoid the stuffed, bloated feeling and enjoy the game or board games, like our family does.  

I mentioned the 6 steps of digestion: Ingestion of food, 

secretion of fluids/enzymes, 

mixing and movement of food/wastes, digestion of food into smaller pieces, absorption of nutrients, and excretion of wastes.  

If you don’t have enough enzymes to do all those processes, then back up happens, food pokes holes in the gut and causes it to leak, you can become constipated or loose stools, gas bloats you up, acid indigestion happens, you can’t get good stuff out of food to feed cells, and in general a very unpleasant feeling hangs over you. 

Why suffer? 

With every meal I take one of some of these digestive helpers: Food Enzymes, PDA; Probiotices, Proactazyme,  Protease Plus, Chlorophyll and Stomach Comfort. 

I don’t want to take a lot of herb pills a day and not get all the good out of them and waste my money.  No sir! 

So I enzyme it up!

Special points of interest:


Don’t eat if you are angry or upset.

Eat at home as much as possible.

Chew every bite 20 times.

Don’t drink liquid with your meal. You dilute the enzymes.

Take time to smell food as it’s cooking. This produces saliva and starts the digestion.

Always offer Thanks/Grace before you eat. It gives you time to settle down a bit and then of course prayer works. I ask the Lord to fortify my food with good things and eliminate bad things. Can’t hurt to ask!


book of Herbology

Students working on Home Study Courses

Gena Hall

Kristy Livesey

I encourage you girls to get your 4 pages of homework.  I’ve made it so easy for you. 

All you have to do is read the book and answer the questions as you run across the answers.

They are  in order so you won’t have to search for them.  

Since I’m living on borrowed time, you certificates will not be valid after my death.  But the choice is up to you of course.  I know life can happen and interfere with well laid plans. 

Testimony Time:

Val told me a cousin had her gall bladder removed. 20 years later, she developed stones in her liver. The gall bladder is so important. Let’s do a cleanse every month to keep it clear and be sure and take your enzymes to digest the fats that turn into stones otherwise. 


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In 2023, we conducted a materiality assessment to help us better understand and align on the topics that matter most to our business and stakeholders.

These topics are prioritized using our values to guide our impact and sustainability efforts for 2024 and the coming years.

• Protecting Nature • Minimizing Waste to Landfill • Nurturing Natural Healers • Supporting Farmers and Collectors • Elevating Employee Wellness • Embracing Diversity

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